Saturday 28 September 2019

Pumpkin Spice Blend

pumpkin spice blend recipe

Would you believe that most of the “pumpkin” flavor in pumpkin spice comes from the spice? It’s true. Pumpkin on its own can be a little ho-hum. It needs some warming spices to meet its true potential.

I’m sharing my go-to pumpkin spice blend recipe in the hopes that it saves you a trip to the grocery store this fall. It’s super quick and easy.

pumpkin spice blend ingredients

You don’t need a store-bought pumpkin spice blend if you have these basic spices in your drawer: ground cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and allspice or cloves. Simply stir them together, and you’re ready to bake up all your pumpkin spice treats.

The only trick is knowing the proper ratio, which you’ll find in the recipe below. This recipe intentionally yields a small amount (two tablespoons), in case you just need enough pumpkin spice to bake, say, a pie. You can easily multiply the recipe to yield a full spice jar, if you’re planning to bake up a storm this season.

Continue to the recipe...

The post Pumpkin Spice Blend appeared first on Cookie and Kate.

* This article was originally published here

from Merah Hati Cintaku

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