Saturday 29 September 2018

Healthy Beet Hummus Recipe

A Sweet Pea Chef
Healthy Beet Hummus Recipe
Healthy Beet Hummus Recipe

This Healthy Beet Hummus Recipe is pink deliciousness that you can serve as an appetizer, spread, or as a healthy snack.

Healthy Beet Hummus Recipe | This pink hummus makes a great appetizer or a healthy snack | A Sweet Pea Chef

Any day is a good day to eat hummus. At least that’s what I keep telling myself while I dig into this pretty looking beet hummus.

Yes, I have a little bit of a hummus addiction. But no one can complain about it because hummus is healthy and good for you.

I wasn’t always like this. In fact, I thought I don’t like hummus at some point. Those days are over. Like so over that over is not a strong enough word to describe how over they are.

Here are a few important things you should know before this beet hummus from the get-go…

It is colorful, vibrant, and extra creamy. It is lemony and garlicky. It is full of minerals and vitamins.

I guess this is what happens when you combine 2 earthy flavors and other hummus-perfect ingredients.

But more about the flavors and ingredients later. Right now, let’s talk about the color of this hummus. Because yes, we have to talk about it. After all, this hummus doesn’t look like the typical boring looking hummus. Nope. Not even close. Beet hummus is bright pink. And you know the rule: everything pink tastes better.

Ok, ok, I made that up. However, you have to admit that pink food puts you in a better mood. Like instantly.

If colorful food doesn’t get you excited, I have other good news for you. This beet dip is ready in 30 minutes max. 10 if you already have cooked beets.

And, yes, you can call this beet hummus beet dip if you want. Call it however you like actually, its awesomeness will stay the same.

Beet hummus ingredients including chickpeas, beets, lemon zest, lemon juice and tahini in the food processor ready to be blended.


I love beets and I like to incorporate them into many recipes. Both sweet and savory. But if you’re not familiar with beets, you might wonder “what are beets and what is their story”.

Beets are root vegetables that are becoming more and more popular. However, beets were used by ancient civilizations including the Greeks and Romans. Beets arrived in the US with American colonists. So, yea, they’ve been around here for a while.

So how come beets are gaining popularity now if they were around for such a long period of time? Well, it seems like, during the last few years, we decided to be more conscious about what type of foods we’re eating. We also decided to get back to our roots. Literally, in this case.

Another interesting fact about beets is their color. Their red pigments, called betalains, are strong antioxidants that are very good for your body.


Contain fiber that can reduce bad cholesterol in the body and can help to prevent bad cholesterol from depositing on the arteries; Contain carotenoids, which do the same thing as fiber. Protect your organs against toxins.

But wait! There’s more…


You might think that people exaggerate the health benefits of beets but beets are actually underrated! Beets are packed with all the nutrients you can think of, they’re great for prenatal diets, and they are low in calories.

The beetroot is also a great source of potassium, vitamin B2, folate, and manganese. And beets can help fight inflammation and boost your immune system.

Beets are starting to sound pretty great, right?

Close up of freshly made beet hummus in the food processor.


You’re starting to understand why I’m so excited about beets so you are looking for easy beet recipes? Well, look no more because this is it. This right here. Yes, I’m talking about the beet hummus.

Seriously, learning how to make beet hummus couldn’t be easier.

Add all the ingredients for this beet hummus recipe in the food processor and blend.

– Drum roll –

Beet hummus = DONE.

Beet hummus garnished with feta cheese, parsley, and a lemon slice ready to be served.


This hummus recipe is very easy to make, but you have to take care of the beets first.

Can you eat beets raw? Yes, you can. I particularly like them in salads and sandwiches and in this protein smoothie, too.  What about the skin? Can you eat beet skin? Also yes. The skin is safe to eat if you clean the beets properly. But, honestly, I prefer to remove the skin.

But this recipe requires cooked beets. I’ll explain how to cook beets, don’t worry.

You have 2 options: (1) boiling/steaming and (2) roasting.

How to boil beets:

Wash the beets thoroughly under water. Place the beets into a saucepan. Cover them with water. Bring water to a boil. Simmer for 10-12 minutes on high heat. When beets are tender, drain and let them cool. Peel the beets with a paring knife or a vegetable peeler.

How to prepare beets by roasting them:

Peel and cut the beets into wedges. Approximately 1/2 –inch wedges. Line a baking sheet with foil. Place the beets on the baking sheet. Fold the foil around the beets. Roast for up to 30 minutes until beets are tender.

No need to peel them before cooking — in fact, the skin will be much easier to remove once the beet is cooked and tender.

Close up of beet hummus garnished with feta cheese, parsley, and a lemon slice in a serving bowl.


This beet hummus is a great way to eat more beets in your diet. Also, you can make a big batch of this easy hummus recipe because it will last in the fridge just as long as other hummus.

How long does homemade hummus last?

Up to a week in the fridge, if you drizzle it with olive oil and store it in an airtight container. You can also freeze this easy hummus if you want. To freeze the hummus, you need small airtight containers and olive oil to drizzle on top.  I like to use a ziplock bag and press any excess air out of the bag, then I defrost it in the fridge overnight and poof: hummus!


I really hope I managed to make you excited about beets because – surprise – I have other beet recipes for you. It’s not really a surprise, though. You know I like to offer you as many healthy options as possible. However, these beet recipes are pretty impressive and that might surprise you because who would’ve thought a simple root can be so versatile. Am I right?


I told you I like beets in my salads. And this Beet and Goat Cheese Salad with White Wine Vinegar Dressing is proof that beets are indeed amazing in salads. Yes, this salad requires cooked beets but you already know how to cook beets so it won’t be a problem, right?

Mason jar filled with ingredients for beet and goat cheese salad, setting next to pecans and sliced green apples.

This salad is the perfect go-to salad for lunch or a light dinner. It is packed with protein, fiber, vitamins, and all the good stuff you want to eat. Get the recipe.


Another great way to eat beets – desserts. Desserts like this No-Bake Raspberry Beet Mini Cheesecakes. It’s the perfect Valentine’s Day dessert or the perfect romantic dinner dessert. Or the perfect “I crave cheesecake” dessert.

Raspberry Beet Mini Cheesecakes | Looking for a fantastic no bake cheesecake recipe?  These raspberry beet mini cheesecakes are perfect for Valentine's Day and a healthy cheesecake recipe you're gonna love! | A Sweet Pea Chef

This cheesecake is not only a healthy and pretty looking dessert option, but it is also a flavorful option. And no baking is involved in the making of the cheesecake How awesome is that? Get the recipe.


The last recommended beet recipe is this Pink Power Protein Beet Smoothie recipe that makes a colorful and nutritious smoothie.

Pink Power Protein Beet Smoothie | All sorts of goodness, packed into a bright pink, healthy protein smoothie | A Sweet Pea Chef

This Pink Power Protein Beet Smoothie can and should become your go-to breakfast recipe for busy mornings because you know… pink and healthy breakfast ready in 5 minutes. Get the recipe.

Healthy Beet Hummus Recipe
Beet Hummus

This Healthy Beet Hummus Recipe is pink deliciousness that you can serve as an appetizer, spread, or as a healthy snack.

1 cup chickpeas, (cooked) 1 1/2 cups beets, (cooked* and cubed (approx. 4 medium beets)) 2 tsp lemon zest 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 tbsp tahini 1/2 tsp ground cumin 1 clove garlic 1/4 tsp sea salt crumbled feta and fresh parsley, (for garnish)

Add all ingredients into a food processor

Process until very smooth.

Top with crumbled feta and fresh parsley

* To cook the beets, place the beets in a small saucepan, and cover with water. Cover and bring water to boil over high heat. Simmer, covered, for 10-12 minutes, until the beets are tender. Drain and let cool.  Then peel using a vegetable peeler or a paring knife.

This post contains affiliate links for products I use often and highly recommend.

The post Healthy Beet Hummus Recipe appeared first on A Sweet Pea Chef.

from Merah Hati Cintaku

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